martin and stewart and i went for sushi to suzuran. it was so expensive, but so delicious. and again, they didn't have asahi supa dry!? what?
but the week before, the night of the wedding, martin and kalin went to white spot. i don't know who's burger this is, but yum!!
and the week after that i made everyone a big roast. the veggies were all from the veggie box. yummers!! i think all of these pictures go to show that we ate a lot over those 10 days!
and then martin and i went to the rocky mountains. this is on the icefields parkway. cloudy. snowy. yes.
we went to lake louise. the hostel there was like a palace but some bitch in our room kept saying "shhhh" in the morning as we were trying to leave. bastard!
#13: i got a new writing gig for snippets. i'm writing my first article this week! yay!
#60: Well, we moved into our "other" new place and are still not totally moved in. But we've moved out of the first place that I had originally intended the "move into our new place" for. So funny how life changes so fast. This item will officially be completed when the boxes are off the lawn.
#70: i might be interviewed for day break north re: the prince george craft collective. i must get a hold of allana!!
#98: around three weeks ago i took a drop spindling class at darlene's knits which is on george street. Laura Fry taught the class and i used my roving i got from dirty knitty girl. i'll get pictures up soon, but you can see the fibre here.
i'm at cfur. i'm going to go to burn the 8 track. i moved more things into the house. it's starting to feel more homey. i also built our bed so we're not sleeping on the floor anymore! yay! AND AND! i did laundry! two loads. i'm a fucking home-body and i love being at home and doing home things like watching food tv or the o.c. on much music. oh the life. i feel a change. my counsellor and i discussed how the changes are what's stressing me out. and my anxiety is fading. slowly. this next three weeks are gonna be fun! yay!
i got new hair. i spent almost my entire student loan. i paid off some bills. a lot of bills. we moved. we bought tonnes of groceries. yum. i'm somewhat wordless. i hate money. i hate that it's so easy to spend. and i hate that banks take incredible fees from them. i'm moving to cash. hm.