this is the cupcake that cruely and i tried to eat today. we almost got through it. and we had to share it with rocky's mans. and then we had a revwear meeting which was great. REV WEAR is happening in prince george on MARCH 4th!! it is a socially conscious fashion show that will fucking tear prince george apart. they're still looking for models, rappers, designers, performers, and volunteers!! email revwear (at)
We're still packing and i have a lot of sorting to do. I've been fighting off the swine flu pretty bad and am so energy less. i mean, i was craving a real dinner and instead we're having smokies and chips, which is delicious...but i should be eating rice because i do prefer it! guh. oh well. so we're watching spinout with elvis and i'm dreading the sorting. at least i can sleep in a bit tomorrow morning: yay!