FML! yesterday I'm driving to work just past cameron lake and go around a corner that has a bump on it just as a suv passes me and my windowshield makes this loud CLAP/CRACK sound like a rock hit it. but there's no rock marks Anywhere on my window so I think, "that's weird". I leave work in the dark so when I get in the car this morning and there's a 4 inch crack coming from the upper edge/seal, I let out a really loud, "FUUUUUCK!!!!" motherchucker! so mad. it may still be covered by warranty but probably not. blarg.
This week has been busy. work is draining and traveling to vic last weekend (while it was amazing good times) kinda just slowed my week down. i ate a lot of processed foods/poorly because i didnt really settle into my week at all and just felt poopy for most of it. not fun. so today is going to be a day of rejuvenation. i got a handful of library books (including this one), bought groceries and local bread (yum), and stewart bought me whip it! so i'm just nattering around on the internet, getting packages together (so many!! you may get one!!), and working on my article for the upcoming snippets. we're going to watch movies, i'm going to knit gifts for lovely people, and then later we're going to make calzones for the week (yum) and sushi for dinner. i love the weekend.
above are leggies i made at work yesterday for the kid. the rav link (with a shitty short pattern) is here: this kid inside is a mover. it's so strange.