
"It's only a snowflake," said grandfather with beard.

well, maybe a bunch of snowflakes, that resemble sleety balls sometimes. they're falling falling. bleck. today is march 25th!!! there should be no more snow. this week, in kyoto, they probably have sakura, but oh now, here in akayu it's winder wonderland. fuck.

for some odd reason i've found one benefit for my cousin having cystic fibrosis. well, not a benefit, but a side effect that well, we can all learn from. anyway, most cousins aren't friends, let alone hangout with each other on a regular basis, and befriend eachother's friends, and actually become really close to some of them (kalin i love you!!). so, all growing up i spent roughly 1 week or so, on or off, with my cousin, who will henceforth be known as j.r. b/c she is fabulous. but, because she has cystic fibrosis we all got to learn about cystic fibrosis. it's not something you can really hide, and of course we had questions, because it was "different". so, questions answered, i learned a lot about therapy. no, not going to a person to tell them your feelings therapy. or the band, but this rythmic beating of the chest cavity and the back to loosen the flem of the lungs/pipes that those with cystic fibrosis have. which im sure is startling to anyone that doesnt know what the fuck is going on. and its hard work, back in the day, before they had fancy breathing machines to do the work, my aunt and uncle would beat on jade (in the therapy sense) to loosen her phlem a few times a day. and consequently, my aunt now has bad shoulders, totally understandable. anyway, so what did i learn? i learned that this therapy stuff is applicable to me too! as in this morning i woke up terribly conjested and just beat on my chest and voila! loosened conjestion. pretty sweet if you ask me. another behaviour that i think most of my family has inherited from j.r., as well as those of our family that have working in processing plants/shops of various sorts, is the ability to spit. which isnt a pretty subject. but we can spit, and we do spit. i have two friends in victoria that also spit, and it is one of our bonding factors, the spitting. ha ha.

last night i had my japanese lessons, which is also a non language lesson in that i learn so much about teaching just from going to these classes. anyway, you're not given enough time to respond, and im going to try in my classes to give a bit more time to the students to rack their brain before they give an answer. but its really hard to remember this stuff when someone, sitting next to you, is feeding you the answers, and then they assume that i dont understand the structure because i dont know a vocabulary, or know a different one, so i stumble. "doko no kuruma des ka?" (where is the car from?), "okuri wa dochira des ka?" (where are you from?) anyway, afterwards i wanted to try and track down martin and joelle to see if they wanted to go for ramen, but they ran away so fast (no wonder i cant make friends they're always on a marathon when im around, ha ha)

so, today i have lessons, 3, and i have prep to do, and sorting to do, and its almost 10am. my throat hurts, and i just want to go to sleep. tomorrow i have to get up early early, and i have 6 classes to do. yowza. not as much as j-dawg, so i must stop complaining. ha ha.

okay, im off, but before i go, you must go here. this one's my favourite. but, because im so sick an morbid i made jeff a 9/11 pop up card for his birthday. ha ha.

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