
"im so far away and i just can't see you im so far along and i just dont need you i am so alone."

akayu eki
akayu eki. today.

when i was on birth control (of the pharmaceutical variety) i used to cry all the time. most often when i was listening to cbc radio 1 in the mornings. just the stories on there would make me wail. i cried when vancouver got the olympics. i would cry when we didnt get beet greens in our organic food box. i cried and cried. even in my last year of university i cried a lot. not really because of missing vegetables (i was off of birth control by then), but feeling like i had lost myself, because a coworker and friend died of cancer, and because it was all so new and so not what i wanted. since ive been in japan i honestly havent cried that much. i will go through periods, but find that since i have no one to comfort me when i cry (like i did for four and a half years) i tend not to shed tears. (though i have blubbered about on a few significant occasions). today i have been on the verge of tears. not in a way that implicates i need to cry, but everytime i think about my friend's father's death my heart drops. no matter what is distracting me i can feel my heart just plummet down to my stomach. i feel ready to cry. sad. just blown away. and want someone to hold my hand, because i cant hold hers.

last night i had a dream that i was reunited with my ex. i was rolling about in bed with him, just playing, clothes on, making out. i was telling him about japan and saying that it was nothing spectacular compared to my being reunited with him. i was apologizing profusely for even leaving him and coming to japan. and that i made a terrible mistake. and for him to make sure i never leave him again. i remember feeling wanted, comfortable, and happy during the dream. and the kisses were as good as ever. but, i woke up wondering why i dreamt that. that's not what i (think i) want. today i called him to wish him a happy birthday in japan. and our phone conversation was akward, the worst we've ever had. but it didnt end with either "i love yous" or "i miss yous". i should not have to apologize for coming to japan. and i should not have to apologize for leaving either.


bedshaped said...

If he knows the reasons behind you leaving and going to Japan, then no you shouldn't have to.

What do you make of the dream then, now you've had more time to reflect on it?

Anonymous said...

I didn't think it was awkward. I just thought you were making a quick call. That and nothing too interesting was going on with me, so I didn't have any good stories.

The power of perception I guess.

Oh, and you don't have to apologize at all, and we both know that. Well, so long as you bring me back some Cowboy Bebop swag ;)


P.S. Was it good for you? ;)