building in domachi. it is old japan.
new bag! only 525yen! i need matching pink shoe laces for my chucks and then im set!
weekend so far. went for sushi with martin, norimaki-kun (teacher at miyauchi elementary school) and nissy (say "neesy" or 西山さん). we ate so much sushi and drank so much beer and sake it was silly. so we walked back to nissy's house and drank more. played taiko drumming. and then car shared home (these people with white gloves come and drive you and your car home. the gloves were so cool!)
yesterday i worked all day and then met up with the "peeps" (we need a gang name!) and went to see starwars episode three. holy fuck! i actually liked it. i mean, it closed the circle. the acting was horrible. but, overall, not disappointing.
since the sushi feast i have only eaten a bowl of bibimba (korean rice stuff. yummy!) and some kimchi. and gelato. really one meal. and right now, im not hungry. which i find interesting. this evening im heading into yamagata city to meet with bec, ronan, scott, and three other ladies for pseudo hen night! and scott is cooking us all dinner! yummy! but i think im off alcohol until this forthcoming thursday night (yamakawaya party 山川椰) so, the oolongcha queen i now become.
xoxo di.
that bag is beautiful!
Your bag is adorable, and it seems very Diandra.
Still haven't seen SW :'(
Think I'm gonna miss it in theatres.
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