
"id like to talk to you, id like to let you know..."

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last night i was knitting this scarf, practicing my cable stitch, and i started to feel so ill, and was blaming this wool. i felt like it was an allergic reaction and put the wool away. but i woke up this morning all sick and shit. all day ive been sneezing and cloudy because my sinuses are so buggered!! im working at this dodgy english school, but its okay. im getting paid cash, though my hours our shitty. i really should get a second job. im feeling even more torn about being back. tossing around this dream job working in terrace, and then applying for jet (im still going to!!), but where i will be next summer is messing with my brain. i think i just want to feel settled. and as of yet i dont feel that japan will be a settled place, but when i was there i didnt really put effort into staying...blah blah blah, im just going in circles when i just want to say, i miss the boy so much. bleck. i had dinner with some japanese women tonight, so much fun, getting to speak japanese and talking about boy. okay, my gucky head is running in heart sick circles. i really need something more interesting to talk about. xoxo.

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