just a list of those things i engaged in. devoured. enjoyed. blissed about. over the last few days.
1. thursday cut friend's mum's hair into a short-ish curly bob (using my hair razor of course). left one side longer. trimmer her bangs. we styled it. lavished in it. and gazed longingly in the mirror at it. (her partner hated it...booerns!)
2. was really cranky on friday and got in a few arguments with my mum. she bought me veggie cheese because i was feeling so horrible. then i hugged her. and then we went shopping. nothing like a bit of retail therapy. i bought two pairs of pants. two shirts. and she bought me a black long sleeved shirt that makes me the hottest girl IN TOWN!
3. boy slept over. another fitful night. the sweats. hot make out sesh. slept until 1:30pm on saturday afternoon.
4. watched harold and maude. friend and i decided harold was really hot. what sort of boy falls in love with an 80 year old woman who gives him life? hot. cute. intellectual. smart boys with feelings. thats who.
5. bought more chakra rocks. friend bought me a faery oracle set for a (late) xmas present. got my chakras balanced.
6. went thrift shopping. let friend buy the coolest suitcase ever. we reconciled by saying that when we live together one day we can share it. i bought a little plate that says alaska. a book about computers. a book about whales. two t-shirts for boy. sweater for friend's mum with the new hair.
7. ate burritos. filled with grated carrots. beets. veggie ground round. guac. bean dip with mushrooms. and chipotle.
8. played taboo with a few friends. chatted about colons. cleaning them out. normalizing your bowel movements. became narcissistic and took pictures of eachother (not of our poo).
9. boy slept over. very interesting night. i felt all of my resistance to letting him in disappear and leave me. very empowering, energizing feeling. we both slept the entire night. uninterupted.
10. played with my faery oracle cards. learning a lot about myself. creative life force. energy. places i should go with my internal journey. etc.
11. went shopping with boy. who now has the sweetest connor oberst-style punk outfit.
12. went to the hotsprings with friends. had handstand competitions. practised my pikes. played that game where you swim under one another's legs.
13. watched a bit of imaginary heros. we're going to rent it and watch it in full. a movie about a family that is disintegrating. pretty interesting to say the least.
14. this morning talked to one of my mentors who gave me some concrete suggestions for getting into a master's program. also said she would look into getting me both full-time work in first nation's health, and a fully funded research program to get my master's in history/first nation's health. and im all about the free stuff.
15. spoke japanese for an hour with my new language partner. its great making new friends. that speak japanese too!
1 comment:
Hey Girl,
It's been ages since I last left a comment, so I thought one was due. Your quirkiness still amuses me, and your boy sounds adorable.
Oh, and I came across that mixed tape you made me last summer the other day. I thought I lost it in my move last Summer. I love it, thank you again. :)
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