
"ideas catapult your love to me!"

take that freda kahlo!
jesse's going to kill me but i love this picture.

it snowed today. i bought a bottle of this yummy Knudson lemon, ginger, echinecae (haha spelled that wrong!) drink. yummers. and we've got caramel machiatos *and* a pumpkin cream cheese bar to get us going. now we're going to jump in bed and continue to watch the o.c. season 2!! mischa just dumped alex, the bonfire episode, and i think that kirsten's going to have an affair! oh, and poor julie cooper and the porn. stewart downloaded jeremy enigk. i like it a lot. oh, and tomorrow torie and i are dressing up as salt&pepper shakers/salt'n'peppa! so fun. we'll have pictures after I hope.

i miss terrace? yay o.c.!! love love, di.

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