c'est our other cat: pickle. she's fickle. and finicky. and wouldn't look into the camera when i took the shot. and her purr when she's sleepy and happy is a lawnmower. she growls like a crocadile, and she has no front claws (stewart's ex had them removed??) so she "claws" your legs all the time and it tickles.
i'm feeling better. phew. a few friends called and we got to chat for a while and i just feel better. yesterday was really hard! anyway, we're curled up and listening to smofe + smang (m. doughty). and we're drinking strong strong coffee (jeremy bought us organic fairtrade saltspring island espresso for xmas! yay!) and eating moonrock biscotti. i'm almost finished reading the great gatsby. i have so much reading for my one class (contemporary feminist theory), but i think i need to try and fit in a few more "fundamental texts". ie. the grapes of wrath, heart of darkness. if you have any suggestions as to what i should read next??
the other night i updated my etsy store. keep me eating good food! buy my stuff.
"fundamental texts:" what makes you so sure there are any? Or: the list would certainly be too long for anyone to have read them, making them already less fundamental...but as long as you're asking, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky is as good as it gets. Also try Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. It's a worthy ambition, anyhow.
Freezer burn.
All else is only icing.
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