so, it's the weekend of little sleep. and i've barely slept. i should really be in the shower right now as i'm quite behind, BUT i'm giving this a go. last night
meow hosted an invite only
chad vangaalen show. it was so nice and wicked and just rad. (haha, can you tell i'm tired). so many songs made me just want to cry. and then dance. it made me miss those close to me. it was also a night where i had to fight off annoying sweaty people who just wanted to touch me (yuck). i was not necessarily impressed. it got to the point where i felt SERIOUSLY infringed on and kept repeating, "don't touch me", but to no avail, fuckers. okay, i need to shower and get to the farmer's market and fest.
xoxo diandra.
1 comment:
I think that I like him.
My skirt came today.
It's super cute. It fits too. Also, I didn't realize the heart was a pocket! So cute!
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