this is the time when things feel like they're starting to happen. i know this is strange because i'm doing things all the time, but i'm actually feeling a little more motivated, even if i'm not feeling on top of my game. i've turned into a real knitter. i'm obsessed. i have so many things i want to knit and i'm happy that i have a bit of a stash (thanks mom! thank you kelly!) for me to take from and begin to build new projects. i have a few more presents to make before i get to terrace and i think i'm going to pull out my sock knitting tomorrow and get more done.
for the last month of so i've been living with being really poor in comparison to what i'm used to. i guess when you're a student the first time, it's sort of exciting. you get to learn to budget well and learn to eat cheap. but then, i graduated and i got a good job, and a run of good jobs and i could always buy the organic veggies and live comfortably. but this last month has been a real pain in the ass. i'm waiting for a few pay cheques and honorariums and student loans is responding as if i've never sent them my forms. so i need to straighten it all out. i guess the reason i brought this all up is that i'm really proud of myself for actually being able to switch back to poverty mode.
at a xmas function i told someone that we live on, combined, probably just under 20,000CDN a year. that's what i meant by paycheck to paycheck. and she balked. so little she said. not very fun, i thought. but, i'm learning to shop cheap, again, and we're borrowing movies and catching the bus and staying in a lot. but i want things. really bad. i love stuff. especially wheat free breads. which i should get.
okay, so moving on. read this. do this. and buy this: (for me!).
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