
punk is dead, but misogyny isn't

last night i went to see gob and sick city at the rum jungle. obviously prince george is high rollin'. and up on the wall behind their merch table sick city had this poster. the lead singer even went so far as to say that "if you're with child you're going to have a miscarriage this is going to be so loud". i mean, do you need to be so obvious with your hate for women? i'm surprised they gave me the poster not even thinking it could be offensive or that it wouldn't be a "good" idea to give it to me.

other than the awfulness of this, the "pit" was gross. 19 year old boys pulling out their machismo, sick city's bassist un-ironically humping his bass (it makes him so much cooler!!), some dude from the radio saying "fuck" every second word during the intro, and GOB being too cool to have beer poured on them by people in the crowd. my friend also said that all these men were trying to talk her up and were in "hunting" mode.

really, punk rock must be dead. misogyny and the celebration of machismo culture in punk rock is still rife (remember: dc hardcore knowing they were teaching grrrls like shit and not doing anything about it...hence the birth of riot grrrrrrrl) and another reason not to participate in that culture. but i'm here. it's strange to watch these counter-cultured white kids be so marginalized by their cohorts and "friends" and peers. right now: fuck punk. fuck it.

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