having a camera that's good means i'm actually taking more pictures. i emailed my supervisor yesterday and i told her i needed more time for my thesis. i think that's the first step in getting to work. accepting i need more time. right now the laundry's hanging on the line and i'm baking organic banana bread and we're about to have french toast for dinner (!!). this morning the gals had breaky and i made a. this for her birthday. i really like the sewn basket. i wish i had batting to make more!
yesterday c. and i sat outside for the sidewalk sale. it was nice and quiet and some fun people stopped by. especially this guy who had no front teeth and whenever c. described it i gagged. yuck.
and i almost finished my sock! (but then finished it later at home).
but then b. and i went shopping and ran into milo the guinea pig and his beautiful wonderful owner! she had broccoli for him and everything. lucky little pig! he even let me pet him, no fear.
and then today after breakfast m. and k. and i went and bought a few bedding plants and such at a nursery up in the hart. i am definitely getting a green thumb and i thank all those years of influence from my mom and my lovely gardening friends here. if i could i'd build a garden immediately, but i think victoria will have to bring it.
and this is the planter i planted when i got home right before snb. i LOVE marigolds and would probably make EVERYTHING around me filled with marigolds. but i needed to throw a few petunias in there. i also replanted my basil in "big kid" pots. fingers crossed! it'll be the first time in a while i grew anything from seed.
tomorrow i'm off to vancouver and victoria for 8 days and i'm sad to leave stewart behind. i miss him terribly and our schedules never really match up. hopefully i can spend some time this summer working in the house. pictures from vic, etc. as i'm on the road. xo
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