what did you have for breakfast today? i had a wine spritzer. two weeks ago i scored this lonely vintage glass (the lamps are fading) and filled it this morning with the following method: find beautiful vintage glass, fill 3/4 way with ice cubes, fill half of glass with white fruity wine (mine's a "classic" from geringer brothers. yummers.), pour in a dollop of saft (details below), top with one-two inches of soda. stir with a bendy straw. and drink. tres refreshing.
saft is, as martha stewart says, a sweet scandinavian summery syrup. her recipe is in her new issue or on her website. i made mine with organic strawberries and mint from around the side of the house. organic cane sugar, too. and it's so yummy. i want to bathe in it. or drink a lot of it, regardless.
today's been a work day. and a sit and knit day. overall, a good day. i'm obviously not making sense. but alas.
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