i don't care what anyone says (erm, perez!) i love sam ronson and lindsay lohan together. if their relationship needed approval from me i'd say, "go for it", but it doesn't even need recognition or approval. i hate that the celebrity machine makes their lives so accessible to us (though i'm excited to see the 19 pages of brad and ang's twins in ppl. ha!) and we feel bound and obliged to comment when it's really none of our, my, business. what i love about watching sam and lindsay is the terror with which people tear them apart. it's "gross" when they make out in public. and lindsay is "crazy angry" when she freaks when there's cameras around. oooh! lesbians! so scary!
this week has been as scary as a certain spice girl. it's been an annoying week! first monday my eye started to be really sore just on my eyelid right where my eye lashes are and then when i went to bed i realized it was puffy. so, i did like every girl with allergies does: i took an anti-histamine and put a cold compress on it. and i woke up to razorbladeeye! it hurt so much and was so stiff and puffy that i called in sick or "emergency-ward-visit" to work and sat in the waiting room of emerg for 2 1/2 hours (which is good!) but i saw the strangest shit like a guy with a huge framing nail through his thumb (he offered to help me knit ahahahhaaa!!), a guy who was dripping biohazard blood EVERYWHERE!!, a woman whose face was swollen right up from a toothache, and a woman who had to have been in there because she was crazy. oh canada. at least it was "free"!! and then i went to get my antibiotics and they were only $6! yay for extended medical!!
phew! and i just payed a tonne of my tuition that i'd been forgetting to pay! so, i guess this week has been EVENTFUL but slow and exhausting. i've been working more at the tattoo shop this week and did the first round of interviews for a full-time unionized job with full healthcare benefits! i'm going to celebrate by buying a car. wha? global oil crisis and you want to buy a car? yes. i'm currently torn between a nissan versa and a vw city golf.
i guess i'm just buying time until the mini is in its electric form. i think then will all be okay with the auto industry.
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