The lovely
Becka tagged me on this one. The point is that I'm to tell you 6 fast-facts about myself. Probably stuff you don't know. I'll start by imploring others to do the same, primarily
Girl of the North Country and all those other survey whores who get this on facebox.
The rules are as follows;
• Link to the person who tagged you.
• Mention the rules.
• Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
• Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
• Go to each person's blog and leave a comment that lets them know they've been tagged.
NOW! Onto those quirky yet boring things about myself (I'm always spectacular!)
1. I bought the boots.
2. I want to make poetry out of those little word scrambles you have to type out to leave comments and register on sites
3. Everything in the soup I made today was local MINUS the boullion and the onion. My friend even grew the pumpkin. And the yoghurt on top? I MADE IT!
4. It really bothers me that my car is dirty.
5. Everytime I call Rupert to come inside and he doesn't I worry he's never going to come back, almost to the point of tears.
6. My kidneys hurt again. This means a need to overhaul my diet again = fuck.