yesterday was crazy in terms of accumulating things in the mail. we got stewart's bleeding through fan-club inaugeration pack (t-shirt, patches, stickers, etc), my new shameless magazine (buy a subscription!!), my knock down knits book, some wonderful things i bought from chelsea creature, my dresses for vegas, and probably a bill or two. but regardless, a very filling mail day considering some days here are pretty lacking mail-wise.
i spent some time in the later afternoon at a friend's house and we talked babies, life, food, crafting, and it was so refreshing. i've been kinda LOW lately and it was nice to touch base and be reinspired to get my life in a more positive strain. and more productively positive. feeling so overwhelmed by "work" and worrying about bills can be taxing on me. so i organized all of our paperwork from the last year (!!) and now have to go in and individually organize the different files. and make a schedule for paying bills off. and learning to pay off extra and just sticking out the poorness.
off to fold laundry, make some calls, and knit.
shameless is back?
OMG - that's fabulous.
i'm glad you got everything! i can't wait to see what you do with the yarn!
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