
task updates: Let the games begin!!

with a new year HERE, i thought i'd take a good look at my 101 in 1001 list. i first started my list back on may 27, 2007 and am just over 1.5 years into it. which means i still have a long way to go. below are some tasks i want to take on in the short term, with hopes of achieving them.

3. do a 1 day fast

4. go vegetarian for 365 days this starts today/tomorrow. let's see if i can do it, how well i can do it, and if it'll stick.

7. read a rushdie novel amanda gave me midnight's children for christmas. i'm going to read it next

26. yoga. once a week. 10 weeks straight! i just need a mat. and i'll buy one this weekend. and it's free and at the Y, so i can't NOT go. and, to double that, my back has been KILLING me lately, so no more excuses

46. make an egg free hollandaise sauce

73. learn how to make paneer can i just say, yum!!

now, time for that last sleep before your "resolutions" begin to set in. rupert's lying by my side. he's been chasing pickle around and it's kinda sad. he's probably just lonely and pissed off. sorry little guy.


becka said...

You can totally go veg for a year! I promise, and I can help if you want and send you amazingly delicious meat-free recipes. Do it, do it!

And I should do it, do it when it comes to yoga...

Charity said...

You can do these, Diandra! I think you should tackle the bleach blonde goal. :o)