holy moly! what a weekend! i'm exhausted and have just dumped all my shit all over the floor and lined my laundry and bedding up in the laundry room as both of our hostels had BED BUGS, mother fuckers. i've got itchy red splotchy parts and am not that paranoid about their travel, but need to get my last load in the washer before night fall. or bed time. that's when they come out. *i have since received confirmation from the hostel that they found the bedbugs and dealt with it, so please still stay there it was a great hostel!
the main highlight of the trip, other than spending four days with the wonderful girl of the north country, was food. lots and lots of food. from diners, groceries, coffee shops, and food carts. we also did other cool things like go to the art gallery, go antique-ing, watch away we go, buy craft supplies, and in general drive around and listen to mirah. oh yeah, and eat doughnuts, we ate a lot of doughnuts.
girl and her new (fake) art tattoo.
our twin portland creams from voodoo doughnuts. mine, on the left, is vegan. girl's is regular. they were so good. collectively we ate over a dozen doughnuts in 3 days. here are more doughnut pictures.
junior's. we had breakfast here on sunday. i ate so fast.
cool things from stars antique mall!
made in oregon!!
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