this morning i got up and painted the purple walls in helvetica's room! and the purple bubble (these are in progress photos...finished photos after the weekend when everything's done!). i love the colour that i picked and happy that stewart picked purple!
last night we searched the internet for cat-bed like sleeping surfaces for helvetica for in our bed. stew's genuinely terrified that he'll roll over onto lil'font and squish it. i'm pretty sure if i did that a tit would just fall in it's mouth and it would be happy. i mean, sleeping and then tit in your face? nice! anyway, we couldn't find such a sleeping situation anywhere so stewart's going to go find a cat bed or something to assure himself in his sleeping. so adorable. and then the cats can use it after. haha.
we're definitely in the countdown, almost. as of next monday we have 4 weeks left (!!) so this weekend feels like a last hurrah! ha! we're going to victoria to hang out with stewart's mom and the aunties, and my darling eden. it'll be nice to get one last outing out together sans child (i'm still heading down for owen pallet in may!). well, i should go get ready for my day and head to my meeting! xo
this is great "lil'font"
so excited for you. i need to start making something for the baby.
BABY CAT BED! So cute.
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