there's two recipes i had wanted to post before tonight, but i just didn't get around to it. with all the late afternoon trips to the lake and the visit to the farm yesterday and the morning at the farmers markets today and powering away on a project or two i just haven't had the time. but that's okay, because it coincides with something i've earmarked august for (as inspired by bliss in a tea cup's holiday): a break from the internet! oh yes! of course this means i'll still be available by email for communications (since i don't have my cell anymore and we don't have an answering machine). so if you need to get ahold of me email me at ohsweetie at gmail dot com. but non-essential internet things like ravelry forums and flickr groups and facebook statuses and twitter updates and bloglines reading are OUT for the month.
this is mainly so i can focus on a few big projects around here. and to make time-space for all the visitors august promises (yahoo!). when the month is done i promise full documentation. below is a short list of a few things to look forward to!
1. i'll be writing the final "chapter" / "epilogue" for my zine/thesis. my thesis is submitted and finished a lot different than i had hoped and wanted to wrap up my academic experience in this chapter to go at the end of the text. i'm also going to submit it to a book on academic young feminisms (ie. where's feminism now, where is it in the academy, etc). i've tentatively called this chapter, "the mistakes i didn't know i was making...or, a portrait of a feminist as a young academic...or, ???" still trying to think of something cute!
2. with the finishing of this chapter/epilogue also means that august will be the putting together of my zine, standing in the way of control. it'll be approximately 200 pages, hand bound with pull out sections, and possibly worksheets (like the riot grrrl crossword, i just have to find it). at the end of august i hope to have my master copy (it'll be a mix of what went to defense and my finished copy) and will take pre-orders for two weeks. they'll be 15$ (including shipping) and you'll be able to order them here through my blog. can't wait! so excited! after i print some (i'll make extras just in case) then i'll put a few in my etsy store. and maybe, just maybe, hunt for a zine distributor.
3. canning! i have a laundry list of things i want to can this month. chili sauce, salsa, cherries, and blackberry jam up the hizzy. (i'm going to buy 24 250mL jars to can blackberry jam. and that'll barely scratch the number of blackberries are growing across the street on PUBLIC property. i love living on the island!). canning takes quite a bit of my time since unless i get someone to watch seth i can only do after he goes to bed. maybe when some visitors are here i can wrangle them to hold the baby for a few hours while i can, but it's still hard to fit it in. if i can squeeze it, i'm doing more pickled carrots and canned peaches.
4. knitting! i am working on an anniversary gift for stewart and have an xmas gift for my aunt to knit and a wedding present for aaron/jordan to knit. so i must get on it.
5. a secret project i'm working on with laura. there won't be any disclosure about this at the end of the month, but it will consume my time.
well, that's it lovelies! i'll miss you lots!! and the first few days without my twitter feed are going to be ridiculously difficult, but the pay off will be so worth it. xo