inspired by animal, vegetable, miracle, friday night is now homemade pizza night around here. i use the dough recipe from the original moosewood cookbook (which i won't reprint here because i don't alter it at all, and you should really get the cookbook from the library and copy this one down.. support your libraire!!) and use tomato sauce from a can (not fancy) because some pizza god on the food network ages ago said just use plain tomato sauce..everything else'll overpower the pizza's flavour. i also am using store bought mozza still. it's my goal by xmas to have mozza down pat and make it every month and freeze it for the month's pizza nights. AND i don't use much cheese because i like to keep it economical and less greasy at the same time.
- preheat oven to 400F. if you have a pizza stone then make sure it warms up in the oven. once it's warm, pull it out and build your pizza on the stone rather than the counter, easier than transferring a heavy pie to the stone.
- gather the following ingredients:
pizza crust of your making (or buying) that fits your stone or baking sheet
200grams of mozza, grated
3/4 cup of tomato sauce
1 tbsp chipotle puree
2 tbsp ribbon'd fresh basil
1/2 cup minced fresh parsley
150grams chorizo sausage, sliced thin
1/2 yellow pepper, sliced thin
3 large mushrooms, sliced thin
3/4 cup diced red onion
- spread tomato sauce and chipotle puree on pizza dough.
-layer toppings as you like or in this order: chorizo, mushrooms, peppers, onions, basil/parsley, and then top with cheese.
-bake in oven for 20 minutes or until cheese is browned.
omg - di - you're making me hunnnngry!
that looks amazing.
Again, inspired by your beautiful food photos to cook and make things in my own kitchen.
Next week: homemade pizza!
have you heard about making pizza in the bbq? i'm going to try it with this pizza and then tell you how wonderful it was.
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