
spicy pumpkin and chocolate chip cake

february will be squash month over at the blog
spicy pumpkin & chocolate chip cake

this is an almost-exact copy of the recipe from everbody likes sandwiches. check the original recipe out here!

i changed it to 2 cups of flour.   i used brown sugar instead of white. i also used real yoghurt instead of vegan (b/c that's what i had). and rice milk instead of soy milk.  and used 1 1/2 cups of boiled pumpkin that i mashed into the bowl. and i didn't have pecans.

that being said this was one of the most delicious things i've ever baked and i devoured so much of the cake so fast i had to give half of it away. this was a picture of it on it's way out the door.

1 comment:

summer bat said...

this looks divine