All week I've been looking at my goals list on the left trying to figure out how to up the Ante and get them done. What are easy ones to tackle and which ones don't involved money right now? I was psyching myself all week to do the bike ride to the market, the 10KM round trip, with the trailer. Yesterday it poured and I was so bummed that it would be a down pour today and I would be driving to the market (or skipping it altogether). This morning was so bright and lovely at 7:00am that I quickly got my Saturday Morning Shit together and we were out of the house by 9am! So proud of me! Buckled seth in his trailer and set out to the Market where I picked up sugar free cookies (and I realized probably not vegan or without white flour, I was just so excited they were sugar free!) and two dozen eggs and some green tea. Seth played on the play ground for a bit and then we came home. All in all I totally sweated through to my helmet, I feel like I got a good workout, and got at least an hour of cardio in (hauling the trailer takes me forever!).
I've been thinking about doing a sprint triathlon next summer (this one in Oliver to be exact) and want to get out biking more. And that I need to add cardio to my workouts. So will aim to add 20 minute bike rides before I do strength training during the week (from home). I live on a hill now (that doesn't seem so bad looking at it!) and soon we'll be on less direct hilly ground, so looking forward to working out more with my bike.
What I Ate Today:
soy green tea latte
Scrambled eggs with Hashbrowns (w/ carrots and garlic)
sugar free pumpkin cookies (white flour, not vegan)
Lotsa water
1/2 Blueberry muffin (sugar free, white flour, not vegan)
peanut butter banana choc chip smoothie! yum!
tex mex shepherd's pie
home canned cherries yum!
two non-tbt approved cookies (damn grandpa!! ha!)
1 hour bike ride (moderate-intense intervals)
1 comment:
Bikes bikes bikes bikes! I'm so happy you like bikes! You MUST be my sister.
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