Midnight City Cowl! pattern is Marian by Jane Richmond. Knit with Malabrigo Rasta.
Original Measurments
Boobs: 49"
Hips: 51-53" depending on where I took it
Waist: 48"
Thigh: 30"
Arm: 17"
Today's Measurements
Boobs: 46"
Hips: 52"
Waist: 48"
Thigh: 30"
Arm: 16"
I worked my ass of today. Folded 10 loads of laundry, carted around most of them to the washer, across the house, into the dryer; stood for 4.5 hours and cooked this afternoon; I feel like I did more because I'm SO TIRED. I didn't get to do my 20 sun salutations because we woke up and I went straight to making us breaky and then folding laundry for two hours (OMG). I went to our first slo pitch meeting this morning: FUN! I'm so looking forward to ball. Semi-forced stewart to join because I think it'll be fun (!!) and we never do stuff together. And it's ONLY for three-four months. So what the hey.
What I Ate Today: Vegan Blueberry Pancakes and scrambled eggs with strawberry syrup (home made), water water water, coconut yoghurt with chia/sunflower/walnuts/hemp hearts, 1.5 hardboiled eggs, green salad w/ vegan dressing, red lentil thai curry, mac and shews, homemade onion rings (!!!), and way too many so delicious vegan brownies (guuuuuuh).
Exercise: None.
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