in 3 minutes i have to get up and change my tights, flat iron my bangs, reapply my liquid liner, and throw on a new derby shirt and head out into the night to do lay-security at the local toy run dance (biker central... wait, drunk biker central). i'm looking forward to screechy women and sexual harassment. should be a good time.
the last few weeks have been interesting. i'm waiting to hear about an opportunity and am working on some list items and kind of want to pull my hair out. it's settled WE are going to be farmers, FOR SURE in 3-5 years from now. But WTF am I going to do between this minute and then? I'm pretty sure i don't want to be in the mainstream workforce just to have a "job". I want to work hard at work I LOVE. but i also want to make money. and be "in my skin" as it were. OH, and play some roller derby. HARDCORE roller derby.
OK time's up. Started watching Lena Dunham's GIRLS. It's the best.
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