I've taken some time to focus more "in-ward" and it's paying off. After a super busy weeks at my jobs, and Stewart's exhaustion from school and finishing a course with a spectacular grade, we treated ourselves to a day on the West Coast! We spent most of our time at the Aquarium in Ucluelet where Seth almost died in excitement at all the FISH and OCTOPUS! We also got to see a demonstration with shellfish and sea stars. Basically they put the shellfish on the back of a sea star. When the sea star responded the Swimming Scallops would clap their "mouths" to build momentum and swim away. The big clams would stick out their inner bodies like LEGS and push off and roll away. It was pretty cool. I also liked all the sea animals that looked like plants. All of their species are from within 5KM of the aquarium and they don't have any big tanks: no whales, no big sharks, etc. The biggest thing was the octopus. I can't believe it took us three years for a visit and it was worth more than the entrance fee.
After the Aquarium we went to Chesterman's Beach, but to the South End (we usually go to the North End). It was super cold in the water, though Seth insisted on running in it repeatedly. We had to pull him out as he was up to his chest in high tide cold water. Changing back at the car was a bit of a challenge, and I was wearing Nylons, so it *was* interesting!!
We also went to do our favourite: burritos at Tacofino and coffee at Tofitian. Ever since I came back from Tofitian with my travel mug Stewart has been pining for something with their elusive skull on it, so he grabbed a trucker hat. Tacofino was closed so we ate at Wildside. OMGYUM.
This week is proving to be overwhelmingly busy again. But I get to cap it all off with a trip to Baltimore to see my dear friend Melissa and get tattoo'd by my favourite tattoo artist of all time, Thomas Kenney. You won't hear from me until I get back. So have a good one! XO
1 comment:
Well now I want Tacofino. Or Wildside. Isn't the new aquarium great! They have indoor heating and plumbing now!
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