
slippery udon and the beginning of golden week

what is golden week ? well, for me its a week off, and perhaps lots of drinking and taking in cultural activities and crafting. so, this is my to do list:

-crochet caitlin's shawl check! friday, 8pm
-study japanese for a solid 3 hours (possibly six, but that's pushing it i think)
-finish nihon!go! issue #2
-fix skully shrug check! saturday, 1am
-make a circle skirt
-do all my lesson planning for may and make materials for the first week
-post all the craft projects on artificia skully shrug - check! saturday, 12:30pm
-go for bike rides (there's this one bike route in takahata that is supposed to be rocking, with sakura like mad, but it's a full day....)
-ohanami! check! saturday night!

now it's your job to keep me up to the task, and we'll see if i accomplish it all, plus more by the night of may 5th.

last night, i wore the following outfit to my japanese lessons: jeans, my black xback bra, a black tanktop that is really strappy and has a high lacy neck in the front, and my pink shirt, the boob shirt, which you can see a photo of here (along with my breasts). anyway, the point is that rocking this outfit and feeling really shitty and sweaty from my 10 minute 6k bikeride and just a shitty day, cindy-san says to me, in english, "you have a sexy back". i was so pleased. she so made my day. i havent been complimented like that in too long.

1 comment:

Carly said...

go di go!

to add to your compliment from cindy-san, my mom says that you had great skin.