
"i bought my first real six string..."

okay, just pictures for now. im reading someone's blog and want to read it all before i post on mine. if that makes anysense. give me an hour. p.s. i was smart last night and drank water and took a crap load of vitamins and pain killers. woot! no hangover. xoxo (okay, its been updated. all below is fresh content!)

me and martin
me and martin. pretty blitzed. he laughed at me when i puffed up my hair and attempted to take this picture a good 15 times. yes, im narcissistic. dont ask twice. but he is cute, no?
my dedicated reader
so, randall made the mistake of telling me he had a blog that was "anonymous" and well, a quick google search and some sweet internet fandangling yielded awesome results. just read the archives. this man has some sweet writing skills. but really? sports? stop talking about sports! this picture is him reading my blog aloud to me and martin in a manner that suggests i didnt write it and that martin didnt read it.

on sunday when martin and i were in yamagata we were walking past punanny and i had to grab a picture of this sign. i mean, i knew martin was sacastic and all...

last night included lots of drinking, me promising yusuke that i would buy him sex and the city season 4. us picking a date for a sex and the city marathon at martin's house (he was in the bathroom, so nominated to be the host), randall wigging out because my cd went from iron and wine to sun kill moon, to him pulling out his laptop and introducing me to spoon, and us singing along to neko's tragic tracks courtesy of the new pornographers. gush. um, more drinking, randall falling asleep early, martin throwing a glass of water on him, drinking more beer (just me at this point), setting the 6:30am clock for randall, falling asleep to tegan and sara, waking up at 5am to rain that is still falling!

after randall left i slept for about 3 hours and had a continuous dream that would continue the moment i fell asleep, uninterupted, a continual linear dream. ive never really had that before, and the content of the dream doesnt make it any easier. but i dreamed that my dad died. he was getting off of a skytrain in vancouver. kind of like burrard station, but different. maybe new? anyway, a bunch of people were coming out of the doors and hit by vehicles and killed. so i dont really remember the linear aspects, just that when i woke up briefly and fell back asleep my dream would pick up from where it left off. i remember being really stressed out about it here. and then being in vancouver some how, and arguing with my mom on my keitai about skipping out on work to come back to b.c. because i just had to see the place where my dad was killed. in true movie fashion the covers/headlines of newspapers were apparent, and while i was sitting outside of this restaurant talking to my mum, this woman just started massaging my feet to help me relax. very interesting. and then i was having flashbacks within the dream (again, just like a movie) to being with my sister and my dad, he was wearing a life jacket, and then moving to post-death and my sister and i arguing because i was freaking out. and i didnt even know he was in vancouver. and the stresses about being in japan and not getting to see my dad for the last time, and not remembering the last time i saw him or spent solid time with him. eventually the dream and the stress from it petered out, and i woke up, in a pleasant mood. but a little off kilter. i know where most of the impetus for this dream came from, its just a little unsettling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a freak, no doubt about it.