sousuke and randall. playing shooting games. it was actually really hot to watch them concentrate so hard on killing people in simulated environments. i blame batman.
from douglas coupland's "god hates japan". its only available in japanese. the copy this picture is taken from is a present for a friend. i still will be buying my own copy before i leave.
okay, so its hard to take pictures of puri kura. i really need to get a hold of a scanner for this. and my keitai sucks sometimes, hence the nice bit of table on the left. oh my oh my i love doing puri kura. a narcissists paradise.
in this booth we could make ourselves darker. rather than being supa-white.
last night we went to see batman begins. i am not really into batman. but i love action movies. recently ive realized how hot they actually are. batman begins had me buzzing from start to finish (though they did remove the nipples from bale's costume). and i exclaimed many a time, "really, who needs porn after that?" and christian bale isnt so hot. but, cillian murphy, woot! (see beauty here, and as dr. crane) yeah, id call that a crush. bah, im horrible.
im more intrigued by the idea that lately ive been finding violence sexy. i dont mean beating someone up, and that, woot, domestic violence turns me on. that type of violence is not cool. actually all violence isnt cool. but for some reason when freeman's character was talking about the weapons and the harnesses, and then to see the pleasure on bale's face, and to know that he will look damn fine while using them, it was a total turn on. i dont wholly blame batman because the first time i remember violence/weapons being sexy was in a trailer i saw for bad boys 2. and there's a shot like this picture and it was hot hot hot. i dont even think that smith is attractive. so where does my fascination with weapons = hot = lets sex! come from? i dont want someone to use a weapon against me. i dont want to use a weapon against someone. that actually freaks the shit out of me. maybe this idea of having this power and it relying on this amazing weapon. and that maybe i want to have power. or more likely, have someone take power over me (weapon free). hm.
oh it's HIM. i do enjoy murphy. he's lovely.
that one shot (m13) makes me want to have his babies.
maybe you like the guns cos they remind you of sex toys.
Ooooh, I thought Cillian Murphy was dead sexy in Batman Begins too. I've been saying all weekend, and everyone I know looks at me like I'm strange and say's he's "scrawny and creepy". He has this laid back confidence that I find incredibly alluring. Not to mention those heavy, pinkish eyelids, and those full lips of his....ahem...whew, I need to open a window.
I thought that Cillian's eyelashes looked entirely too pretty. Outside that I can see the appeal.
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