that is just cruel.
oooh, i found this picture so cute i set it as the wallpaper on my mobile. totemmo kawaii desu ne!
it is an absolutely adorable teases you though, mocking the fact that he's drinking coffee and you're not.damn it, i want a caramel machiatto.
Support your local small business! Drink local! :PT
Local in Japan? You've got to be joking.If you like your coffee to taste like it was filtered through a dirty ashtray, perhaps...
okay, taste before ethics.i can live with that.
How's that shrine you're building going? You know, that one dedicated to Martin?!!
well, the martin shrine is almost complete. its true! i need a bit more imput, and starbucks cups. oh anonymous-san, you mystify me. xoxo di.
anyone got any extra candles?
Hmmm........anonyomous is a few different people I think! I am Anonymous #3!
three cheers for anonymity party!
caramel sauce is the glue that holds life together....
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that is just cruel.
oooh, i found this picture so cute i set it as the wallpaper on my mobile. totemmo kawaii desu ne!
it is an absolutely adorable picture.
it teases you though, mocking the fact that he's drinking coffee and you're not.
damn it, i want a caramel machiatto.
Support your local small business! Drink local! :P
Local in Japan? You've got to be joking.
If you like your coffee to taste like it was filtered through a dirty ashtray, perhaps...
okay, taste before ethics.
i can live with that.
How's that shrine you're building going? You know, that one dedicated to Martin?!!
well, the martin shrine is almost complete. its true! i need a bit more imput, and starbucks cups. oh anonymous-san, you mystify me. xoxo di.
anyone got any extra candles?
Hmmm........anonyomous is a few different people I think! I am Anonymous #3!
three cheers for anonymity party!
caramel sauce is the glue that holds life together....
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