
break my arms around the one i love

who new being a parent could be *so* difficult

i'm having a rough week. i've been "not myself". rather than things culminating in one big incident i've been shitty over a wide variety of situations. my self esteem is really low right now and i've been pulling lots of cards and working a lot (not good) and rarely taking time out for myself. But, tonight i went to the gym. and it was nice.

stewart's at writing class and i'm waiting for him to get home so we can just love each other for a while.

one of the hardest parts is that we're super poor right now. we're just not making enough money. at all. and with xmas its really tight. and we've both picked up more hours or a second job (me!) which sucks.

a colleague went back to nz the other day. we tried to go tobogganning on a cardboard box. didnt go so well. we just ended up rolling around in the snow. and my arms hurt from pushing another colleague's car up a driveway.

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