we just dyed stewart's hair red (again, this time a touchup. in a week or so he is *so* getting a morrissey haircut) and he put on this headband and grabbed the raquet and ta dah! he's a rebel with[out] a racket!

i worked today and was oddly very stressed out after. str-ange. (well, not so strange, but very telling.) i have a sore throat now, and it's after 11 (eek). we watched the last two episodes of season 3 of the o.c. no more o.c. talk for a while. i knew that they would kill marissa off, and it's true, i really began to like marissa and hope for the best for her, and it would make sense that some crazy guy would try to get her (and consequently kill her). it's interesting that even though ryan has always been able to "save" her the final scenes showed his inexperience (as in, just stop the car, turn around and head back. the least that v-shit would have been able to do would be to slam the car into a rock. or slow down and get behind him and call the cops??) in a situation like that--so maybe not the best saviour afterall: but definitely the love of marissa's life. oh man, i cannot believe i talked about the o.c. for that long. it's almost time for the best of 2006 lists. yay!
i'm reading the second sex and really loving it. a lot of the tenants that i hold to my own feminism are in beauvoir's writings. i'm starting to wonder if she was the first to get these things on paper? some of it does bug me a litte, as in i don't care about biology so i don't want to discuss at length how a gamete blah blah blah.
i have this feeling that next year i will have a baby. but i don't want a baby now, nor next year (the year after??). definitely a struggle. and i'm not ready to have that discussion, make that choice. gaaaah. well, at least i don't have to make the choice now (and i'm definitely not choosing to stop having sex just because i fear getting pregnant..maybe i should just stop stressing out!!)... so many things happening all the time so many thoughts so many sore body parts i need more baths and walks and tea with red alder and hugs, and definitely, definitely, more friends in pg. (i also need to learn to open up to those wonderful friends around me!!) okay, bedtime now.
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