ive been trolling at martin's pictures of his last few jaunts in akayu and china and am homesick for those people i loved so much when i was there (i still love them now!) this is a picture of my favourite favourite ramen shop. we used to go there all the time and drink beer from the vending machine and listen to jazz records and talk about counter culture with the daughter. so nice. baaaaaaaaaaah. i'm feeling nihon sick so bad. stewart and i have been counting down the days = 9! suh-weet! so excited! yayayayayayaaaaaaaa! other than that, things at home are sorted out. i'm sure details wont matter for a while, so i'll spare them. but phew!
okay, so task update:
#25 i began watching
sex, lies, and videotape w/ stewart and derek and it was all boring and slow, until derek dumped the bowl of popcorn everywhere (ahahahahahaha!) but continued to eat what fell on him and stayed in the bowl. we ended up turning it off. it was nice seeing Gallagher's caterpillars again. and andie mcdowell being all prudish. we didn't get to the part where she fucks james spader. but it feels like it's going to happen!
#8 nine more days! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
I would have his babies.
you're almost married!
Will you help with me one of my tasks?
23. Get 10 friends to make me mixes to listen to in the photo lab.
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