the summer is winding down and i need to buckle down. my birthday is around the corner and my marriage is even closer than that. yay! stewart and i are on this awesome love high that i don't ever want to get rid of and who knows what will happen to the current mood, but i love it. the next week or so is going to be intense, and in a good way. i have to finish up my proposal for my thesis (a draft anyway), as well as get ready for a new roommate and get ready to go on a trip to Oliver with my mum and her man, so that stewart and i can get hitched! it's going to be karaoke, wine touring, marrying, eating food, having breakfast, listening to country, and just having a good time. i'm too excited for a weekend away just prior to school starting. i'm quite behind in a bunch of things but am not letting it bug me. i'm at
meow right now covering the store while b. is getting her new tattoo! yay! ive been listening to some new promos that came in and recommend the following:
1. the new mirah and spectratone international (!!)
2. black dice, hits in october, but nice!
3. lady birds. i am so happy that indie electronic is finally cool.
4. yacht =
http://www.teamyacht.comsmmmchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! yay for first day of school outfits! yay!! this is
my pick for a back to school outfit.
shoes! can't forget shoes!
1 comment:
the back to school outfit is super cute!
Aww, it's coming up to fast. oh the bells.
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