today was one of those days where i, in essence, did nothing. i know, it's only 6pm. but i'm exhausted. i slept until almost 11 (!!) and then went to wheatsville and got a coffee, read a few pages (ha!) ate two organic bean and veggie tacos for $4, and bought stuff to make pancakes. which we just ate. oh yum. we went to bookwoman and i bought this book: pin up grrrls: feminism sexuality,and popular culture. i'm not happy i can't really look at it right now because i have to read my really COOL homework! but, i'm off to epoch coffee to read said homework. i was thinking about going to spider house. but i'll save that for the next time i come to austin.
which will happen. i'll be back. not only do i have to bring my research back to this town, i have to make sxsw and stitch west! tomorrow i meet someone in the morning to discuss doing research with her on girls and video games yay! and then in the afternoon i have another interview. then packing and taking the girls for a beer! maybe. they are under 21 so........damn this country and its outmoded rules for young people!!! (p.s. my artichoke socks are looking goooood! this shibui yarn is just so frickin' beautiful!!!)
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