1. tuition
2. the breeders - mountain battles
3. my huge wishlist over at amazon.ca
4. gilmore girls, season 3
5. this shirt for stewart
6. lots of superwash from knitty dirty girl (above!)
7. noro kureyon sock yarn from darlene's yarns.
8. harmony dpns from knit picks
9. new clothes!!
10. order me some toms
on top of all that i'm almost done friday night knitting club and will move on to either atonement or a salman rushdie novel. can't decide.
and lo and behold. last post was post #500. can you believe that!
and, i just watched the savages with stewart and it was nice to see seymour-hoffman act "normal" for once. he's great.
1 comment:
yay for loan money, which i can't relate to because i've never had any, i'm just always broke. boo.
but...i do have a huge crush on phillip seymour hoffman. woowoo
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