i'm finally decompressing from our weekend in vancouver. such an expensive trip! and it ended with me being sick, so sick, and not being able to buy myself yarn! i bought one skein of malabrigo sock (which i can't wait to start knitting with. i've finished another sock i started in calgary and will interupt that pair to make a pair with my new malabrigo) after much deliberation. when i was at urban yarns and at three bags full i felt so shitty but wanted everything, and thus couldn't buy ANYTHING! it's definitely a problem i have. i also kind of overspent my yarn budget this month, last week, when i bought the knittydirtygirl superwash/fingering yarnie club and two skeins of the robin's egg handspun. but i saw lots of worsted weight yarns i want to buy. i think, now, that i have enough sock yarn to take me into the next millenium. but i've been knitting alot, so boo!
being home has been good minus me being sick. i really missed being home and putting energy into our place. and being home reminds me of what i still want to do in it.
mini-list: get a bookshelf for the living room (a tall one), get magazine files, get a pantry-type shelf for the kitchen, get better more "compact" storage for the craft room, clean out the freezer room, and harvest all the apples and mint! as well as rake the lawn and mow it to get ready for the snow! oh and clean out our current pantry (we're like 6 weeks behind on our recycling), can apple sauce, apple chutney, and freeze apple crumble pies! get an inside drying rack for clothes, get some rugs for common spaces, steam clean the carpets, and do full cleanings of the bathroom and kitchen. well, maybe that's not such a mini-list.
the best part about being back in prince george is realizing how cold and nice it is here! fall is definitely in full swing. and my want to nest, craft, and cook is back. yes!
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