i am sitting in the house, a "coffee sanctuary" on 10th SW in Calgary and it's cool in that there's free internet, a yummy smoothie, great modern furniture, art, and the coolest fucking teenagers walking around in the hippest clothes. american apparel's right next door and i'm put to shame in my lack of coolness. the problem is that they're loud like teenagers and about ot have a coffee house/open mic to express their angst and bad poetry. but i digress. this neighbourhood is nice.
i had a few hours off of my training for my new job today. the rest of the gang either went to eau claire to work out or to the glenbow to learn about the blackfoot via a museum exhibit. i decided to get some work done. i've managed to catch up on my contract work, mostly, and my internetting, especially my inbox which was overpowering me. my training has been great (a little too western model at the end of the day) and empowering and educating and fun! i've met some wonderful people and i feel really positive about my new job. and excited to take work on. when i get back i have one more week of willy nilly ness to work on B's wedding dress (get the draft cut and fitted and then modify the pattern and cut the main fabric out and then get it sewed! f yes. i'll also have my last three days at handsome before i'm on every second week. and we'll hopefully get our car (!!).
this week i've finished three knitting projects: noro socks, a caplet, and a hat. i've also bought some yarn at make one including some malabrigo worsted for mitty things for grace and diamond yarn foot loose in fall colours. the yarn really made me think of hallowe'en. and it was cheapish.
and then last night after i went yarn shopping i had dinner with a dear friend from highschool that i'm so happy i reconnected with. holy shit it just got really loud in here! with the open mic and all. connor oberst is ALIVE AND WELL in the calgary indie-teenager. nice!
yay calgary!
ohh, malabrigo - I love that stuff! Hope you're having an awesome time!
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