this week at work was utterly insane and for the first time in FOREVER stewart and i have the same two weekend days off (minus when we went on road trips). i forced myself to sleep in a number of times and finally crawled out of bed at 10am. nice. i have put in some laundry, folded, rotated, etc more laundry, and am going to get in the kitchen and make coffee. yum. tonight we're having a little get together, of the wine tasting kind, and i need to figure out my menu. as of yet, this is what i'm planning:
1. a cake from the pastry chef. it's butter cream and in my fridge right now. delicious.
2. oyster, etc platter (jen's bringing this)
3. spinach balls (miss patty is bringing this)
4. popcorn. it's a tradition.
5. saltine, pb and j, cracker sandwiches
6. cheese ball
7. deviled eggs
8. oranges
i credit miss amy sedaris with full inspiration for this. yum.
pictures tomorrow. xo
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