i can't believe i went to victoria and didn't take a single picture. smart. and i know it's tuesday, evening, but i'm still reeling from the weekend. such a full weekend. i'll definitely need a few days to sleep it off. friday i had a midwife appointment and went to nanaimo to pick up my sister who was coming to town for the weekend. then on saturday am we went garage sale-ing and to the farmer's market (yum local tomatoes, eggs, lettuce, chard, dried apple!) and then to the farm in errington for my momma's bday potluck. it was great to eat lots of food, hang out, and eat more food. yum. then on sunday we went drove down to victoria, and i laid around dealing with my sore throat and drinking tea, eating more yummy food, and seeing final fantasy. which was fucking mind blowing. i came home today, pretty much drove the whole way without stopping, and unpacked more of the kitchen, hung out with stewart who has a super sore back/neck and is a little cranky, caught up on gossip girl, etc.
it was nice to make dinner in our own kitchen this evening, even if we didn't eat until 9:30!! okay, off to watch californication season 1. duchoveny is hott. xo
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