

douglas coupland autograph for helvetica!

this definitely made my day! i am feeling tired (yay getting up every 45 minutes throughout the night to piss!), stressed (re: money), anxious (just about everything), and emotional (yay hormones!). so to my surprise i come home to a card from my lovely friend amanda s. from ottawa with a big pink stickie inside and this story:
"went to see douglas coupland and he had a book signing after - I had been on his website earlier and seen an essay of his written about Helvetica, so when I got to meet him I mentioned how I had a friend who wanted to name her baby Helvetica, and he got all excited and went "I LOVE HELVETICA!" and grabbed a post-it (which had a name of someone else getting a book signed) and signed this :). So, hopefully Helvetica loves Douglas Coupland!!"
this totally made me well up a little. so great. so exciting. Douglas Coupland is my hero. hands down. yay! (side note: we decided that helvetica's "real" name will not be internet-based for privacy, so we will refer to our child online as helvetica forever).

today i must nap. my blood pressure has been really high (yay for gaining baby weight!) and it's frustrating, which is making it go up more, haha. so i'm going to lie down, watch the rest of my L word DVD, maybe knit, probably read Egger's Zeitoun, and then put up the wallpaper (birch!) with my momma. 11/12 days!

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