this weekend felt loooong. probably because for us it started on friday and ended yesterday. saturday was my gma's funeral and so many people came to town from all over the place (including the peace! kitimat! nakusp!). it was so nice to hear so much croatian in one space at the same time. i also got to catch up with an uncle i hadn't talked to in over a decade, even if it was just on the phone. my grandpa, too, got to catch up with one of his bestest friends and play a super quick game of chess before piedoe (his nickname) had to get back on the ferry to his vancouver life! the funeral, i feel i should add, was bearable and nice (though alienating as edna much churchy/jesus stuff). i felt like i was doing so well keeping it together and then i saw my aunt and she was teary and i just started crying. after the service when we hugged i cried again. i didn't even feel like i had an emotion to name, just exhaustion, just overwhelmedness, the precipice of emotion passing. i'm happy all the fuss is over, for now.
i spent much of those four days in the car. two trips to nanaimo and a trip to victoria. in victoria we made dinner, watched eden clean her kitchen, and ate rice ice cream. seth got a considerable amount of cuddles from a number of people and was a happy happy baby the whole time. very impressed. stewart and i also put together a dirty magnet list at eden and footz's house.
back at home, this week is a busy one. i'm going to be writing, i've already applied for one job (in victoria!!!), am going to apply for another one tomorrow, hanging out with friends, hopefully getting out for a walk, digging up the rest of our potatoes, and picking the last of our green tomatoes. seth and i have spent most of our day avoiding sleep (him), knitting (me), and having robyn dance parties (both of us). stewart just got home from work and we're going to watch the new jakey movie, prince of persia, and ,well i'll knit. xo
Oh Diandra,
I am so sorry to hear of your sad news. Keep your chin up.
Hugs, Ashley
Thinking of you ! Sarah
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