on tuesday morning i got up early in my pjs and went outside to take the garbage out. my mom came out to let me know that my grandma had passed that morning. she'd been in the hospital for the past few weeks after suffering a second major stroke. death is so interesting and i find i cope so strangely, but that's what grief does, i guess. i'm most surprised by how worn out i'm feeling rather than sad, etc. i'm finding it hard to focus on anything other than dealing with my teething helvetica. who has been quite demanding lately.
in other news i've been working on this here shawl as a thank you gift (much belated) for our midwife. i'm using a yarn that i got from a woman at the prince george farmer's market about 2 years ago. it's a silk blend and so soft and shiny. i'm knitting the traveling woman shawl and just got to the first lace chart. i really like the pattern and am just happy how quickly it's coming together. i'm also working on some gifties for stewart's coworker's bday. rewound all the yarn from my bergen street cardigan which i've now frogged for good, and day dreamed about other knitted things. i wish i could knit all the time.
bedtime! xo
Condolences, friend! Sounds like you have a lot going on right now. Remember to take time for yourself if you can!
I'm really sorry about your grandmother. I'm so curious about your little one, I can't wait to meet him someday. I think he is going to be awesome. I always day dream about our duplex. In my dreams it is magnificent. We have a backyard garden and a swing and every evening we go for a walk and work on our garden together.
I too am feeling primarily worn out rather than sad. It's weird.
Lots of love. Can't wait to hang with you and the pappa (and everyone else) soon.
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