last night, late last night i should say, i made a REbar pasta. having food/cooking goals is incredible. when i have absolutely NO MOTIVATION to cook and no energy to go pouring through my bookmarks or cookbooks i just go, "pick a pasta, grab the shit, and cook it". the thing about the REbar cookbook is trying to find recipes that don't use 800 million (expensive) ingredients, and even though it was pretty expensive to make dinner last night, it was one of the cheaper ones...and it was good. (the problem is that i've also been cooking the cheapest ones first so that means there's gonna only be expensive ones soon. bleck.) the one above is the spinach linguine which is basically the noodles with a sun dried tomato salsa (with artichokes, fresh herbs, kalmata olives, garlic, capers, etc) that you top with Parmesan and fresh cut tomatoes. we've been buying mainly winter veg this whole winter so it's been weird buying veg from chile and china once in a while (when i used to do it ALL THE TIME).
speaking of winter veg, the other night at the agricultural meeting, the farmer i bought all of our squash from gave me shit for not eating it yet. i'd been pacing myself and didn't realize that we're getting fresh veg at the farmer's market soon. so that means we're going to be in squash heaven around here for the next month. i think i just need to start pulling it out. i know i have at least 11 squash and 1 pumpkin and they're all in good shape (it's a good cold room). and while i love squash so much i want to get a squash tattoo, i'm a little lacking in the squash recipes department. let me preface that by saying i hate stuffed squash. it's boring. it's lame. and it's just not very exciting. i'll for sure make some squash burritos and some pumpkin millet muffins from the REbar book, but need suggestions! what are your favourite squash recipes? anything you want to try? anything you want me to experiment with?! i think i'm going to make February SQUASH MONTH around here, with a pretty banner and stuff. maybe i'll make some badges so you can play along too? what do you think?
O I totally hear you with the expensive ingredients from the REbar cookbook. It's a great book, but I always have a LONG list of things to buy when I want to make a recipe. Have tried the very first salad - the Asian noodle one? I *love* it.
If you made a February is Squash Month badge I would wear it in a HEARTBEAT.
I like squash in curry, and stir fries. I like roasted squash with brown sugar and rum (thank the boys in my band for that lovely idea). I LOVE pumpkin or squash scones. I like squash in soup with sunchokes, all blended up. But other than that, I'm a little squash recipe-less too... I think an essential key to my enjoyment of squash is to not cook too much at once, 'cause it's really easy for me to squash overload and develop a distaste for it. Oh squash.
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