my closet before i unpacked my last bag of stuff...lots of GREY!
my closet after i unpacked my last bag of stuff...colour! tutus!
my wedding dress! (i decided to finally throw it out, but not until one more hurrah!)
i also found our of montreal vinyl wall art and put some of my favourites on our bathroom mirror (we have a lack of both wall space and windows around here).
some pins i also unearthed....missed them!
this evening i began to pull down the last of our stuff from the closet in the room upstairs that we lived in for MONTHS before our basement suite was finished. i realized after i unpacked most of it that there's still a box up there with a board game, some markers, and some craft stuff. that i'll have to get tomorrow. but i was super impressed with what i found, yet super disappointed it's stuff i've seemed to live without for the past number of months. OH STUFF I'VE MISSED YOU! SO SORRY! it's weird how just days after we decided that i do need to ramp up getting a good job with the provincial government and that we might be moving to victoria by the end of the year (if i can make it happen fast enough!)....i start to enjoy living in this space more and feel more at home. but, that being said, i'd really like to go get a gallette at cascadia and see my sister on daily basis. that would be nice.
today i also discovered a great way to take care of my much-loved to-do lists. the tasks option in gmail! duh!

i've been thinking fleetingly about living somewhere else lately. another country. go on an adventure. but am working steadily on reminding myself of what i want (a farm) and that to do that i need to stay here, work, pay off debt, learn more about farming, and work towards that goal. it is even a short-term goal (within 5-6 years) so i have to work as hard as possible. or the time will go past so fast and i wont be ready. i also have to remember that i want to do my PhD and that has to fit in there between working and getting ready to farm! ha! by the time i'm 35 i'm going to be even more exhausted!
speaking of exhausted, my thesis zine is done and completely ready for order!
1 comment:
I think we get our passion for To Do Lists from Mum. :)
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