

hey, im so narcissistic and crafty that kalin and i started another spot for us to talk about ourselves, but focusing on the things we make, eventually. check it out. its beautiful. artificia

give kalin the love, she's the html pro.

xoxo di.


Anonymous said...

wow! i can comment w/o signing up!! i wish i'd known this before.... congrats on artificia. what a fab idea!! i went to a colloqium today on english TAs who blog, and i'm so totally (bet you know who this is...) going to have one for my...ahem...class in sept. apparently (at least w/ UBC blog accounts) you can privatize your blogs (good for paranoid me) so i may even make my own practice blog sometime soon (like, after april 18, y'know what i'm sayin?).

diandra said...

sugar, what do you mean privatize your blog? and when you finish ubc your blog would be defunct. just sign up for a blogger one. change your name. no one'll know.. but me, ahem... and uh, dont write about sex too much, oh wait, please write about sex a lot.

Carly said...

yes, sex details are good....very good