
poisonous chalk and other hazards of teaching.

the room where i teach in Yonezawa on saturdays is really big and has hard hard wood floors and its a lot of good fun. but, there are chalk boards and that chalk creates so much dust that the kids get it in their eyes and i am all chalky on the inside and outside. and my eyes dry out so fast. not a good scene. i must buy non dusty chalk.

despite the lack of sleep, today has been absolutely wonderful! arimoto-san and i went on a dango-hunt. unable to find any (rice balls with yummy sugary topping) we pouted, him more than me, and now im gearing up to go to yorkubenimaru to get myself some dango. and a bike pump. and maybe go to misterdonut to work on my japanese.

also today i actually got a reply from tegan and sara . i sent them an email last week saying thank you for so jealous because it sincerely helped me through the winter. and i said id make them cupcakes and armwarmers when i got back to vancouver. i was so shocked to see an email from "them" in my box. but you never know. im super skeptical of celebrity and well, it could've been anyone, right? but still exciting. (presently im dying to make cupcakes!!)

and! yaya! i bought a track jacket. im so excited. i was planning on dumping about ichi-man en on a vintage puma or adidas one, but low and behold, and new one, non puma or adidas, but violet and beige and i just love it. i feel so sporty now.

track star.

oooh, and today i saw plum blossoms. you know what that means? sakura are on their way!!


Carly said...

the adorable is totally suitable - but 'hawt' would have fit as well.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get it? So fucken cool!
