i've also become one of those people who rely on coffee for survival. and it's good because we make yummy coffee around these parts, but our percolator is broken (i have my eyes on this one, which they reserved for me over at etsy) so we can only make single cups, which probably means i'm drinking less coffee. but it's so beautiful outside and i wish i had a windowed seating area to sit in with my martha stewart magazine and a big bowl of grapes and wheat free croissants and this heavenly cup of coffee. see, that's the life. and then hellojen would come over and we'd knit and talk about feminist things. it would be nice.
right now our house is "gas"-less. which means there's not hot water and no heat (read: out of my control, not my problem to fix) and we've been snuggling under blankets and boiling water for dishes and i've been putting boiling water in a bowl to clean my beautiful face every morning. and it's really made me think about HOW much water we consume and HOW we don't really need it. i was talking to mom about it on the phone and we were discussing alternative "heating" for homes such as mini hot water tanks for bathrooms only, for showers. and then floor-based heating with that hot water so you double up on the use of that single energy and then the instant hot water sources in the kitchen that are powered by gas, but it only does a little bit at a time. and then using small heaters in every room instead of central heating. which, i know, i'm in prince george, it gets so cold here. but when i was in japan it was just as cold and just as snowy and i even slept on the floor! and it was warm enough with a petroleum heater. it was amazing. i'm happy i had many experiences in my youth of outhouses, lack of hot water, or water even. otherwise i'd be pretty princessy right now it think.
today we're going to enjoy the warm warm warm day outside! i mean it's supposed to be sunny all day and 16C! library here we come! and we're going to the pool so we can shower ;) xo
Thanks for the comment. :)
I love the trinity stitch hat! :) I made one while I was home sick a couple of months ago, and I wear it all the time. It's really fun, once you get a hang of the stitch pattern.
That would be ohsolovely. And now that it's getting (slightly) warmer all I want to do is sit outside drinking iced americanos.
My queue is getting out of hand, as is my stash. I also just organized my 2 inch red binder bursting with knitting patterns. I am totally a pack rat when it comes to craft supplies. Sigh!
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